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Showing posts with the label facebook

Quora the best social media platform out there

Quora , probably the best social media platform. In this post, I will be talking about the usefulness of Quora . It is a platform which was founded by Adam D’Angelo who used to work at Facebook. In the wake of Facebook data breach fiasco obviously, the question pops into the mind as to which social media is foolproof and useful at the same time.  And the answer to that question is Quora (pun intended) for those who are unaware of this platform allow me to elucidate. Quora is a social media platform, it isn’t a replication of traditional social media platforms like Facebook, Google+ or Tumblr. Must read: The Complete Social Media Marketing Guide Quora is different in many ways Quora is a question-answer community (this is the indication of the pun just in case you didn’t get it), where users can ask a question and anyone can weigh in to answer the question and the answers get upvotes as a token of acknowledgment and it's free, I mean what else do you wan...