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Showing posts with the label women

women influencers ruling the internet

Woman Social Media Influencer killing it! IISuperwomanII , Lilly Singh obviously you have had heard of her, she is highest YouTube influencer in women's league. She is easily my favorite YouTuber I mean who wouldn't admire her.  Started from scratch she also admitted how her initial videos where and what all it took to reach where she has gotten now. The journey from 0 subscribers to +13 Million subscribers isn't as easy as it may appear plus you have to take that journey all by yourself and if you screw up people go like I told you to pursue law/MBBS or whatnots.  Her videos are quite amusing they are filled with humor, irony, hypocrisy and yet super honest. Below is her recent video which way too funny to miss. Devika Bhatnagar , her channel is a new one and she has already got 2,56,000 subscribers. I have enormous respect for what she's doing with her channel. Her's is an educational channel which reaches out to students yearning for help in p...


Women's who brought about a paradigm shift in global perspective Savitribai Phule, pretty much every Indian has learned a thing or two about her back in school. This woman played an important role in improving women's right during British rule also she along with her husband founded first girl's school in India which wasn't well received by the public at that time she was threatened and heckled by locals for the efforts she was making to educate girls but nothing can withstand perseverance, in the end, she did manage to break the taboo and educate girls. Also, She worked to abolish discrimination and unfair treatment of people based on caste and gender. The list keeps going on and on, in a nutshell, all I can say is that words cannot describe our gratitude for what she did for us. Her Google knowledge graph portrays her to be a poet, she combatted discrimination with her poetry. Avani Chaturvedi, this name should ring a bell. She's the first women pilo...