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Quora the best social media platform out there

Quora, probably the best social media platform.


In this post, I will be talking about the usefulness of Quora. It is a platform which was founded by Adam D’Angelo who used to work at Facebook.

In the wake of Facebook data breach fiasco obviously, the question pops into the mind as to which social media is foolproof and useful at the same time. 
And the answer to that question is Quora (pun intended) for those who are unaware of this platform allow me to elucidate.

Quora is a social media platform, it isn’t a replication of traditional social media platforms like Facebook, Google+ or Tumblr.

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Quora is different in many ways

Quora is a question-answer community (this is the indication of the pun just in case you didn’t get it), where users can ask a question and anyone can weigh in to answer the question and the answers get upvotes as a token of acknowledgment and it's free, I mean what else do you want. 

Additionally, on Quora, there is no data breach. There are no fake profiles flaunting fake lives and manipulating or influencing behaviors. 

The only way to flaunt on Quora is by answering brilliantly and to the point while following the guidelines and with following the guidelines I mean not plagiarizing or promoting affiliate links or spreading hate speech, if you are found doing either of these things then your account is quite likely to be permanently banned and that is what maintains the ethos of this platform.

Quora question answering demonstration

The above screenshot demonstrates the Question Answering.

Also, there are verified personalities on Quora who can answer your question. 
Let’s say you asked a question related to digital marketing, Neil Patel who is CEO of Kissmetrics can answer your query which also allows him to promote his business. 
Likewise, there’s Gary Vaynerchuk on Quora who occasionally answers the questions relating to

entrepreneurship and social media. Additionally, you can request an answer from people who are expert in the area of your question.

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You can follow topics and people on Quora, and thus you will find questions pertaining to the topic that you are following and answers by people who you are following.

Quora discover people

Quora follow topics

Unlike other social media platform where people are influenced and content is plagiarized, fake propagandas are propagated, private information of users is sold to the third party and all of this happens under the platform’s jurisdiction with no guidelines or ethicality, at this point you do realize who I am referring to, don’t you?

Coming back to Quora, Quora isn’t restricted to just Questioning and answering. 
Its usefulness stretches way beyond that, yes there are advertisements but you won’t find Quora littered with advertisements, there’s moderation to it. 

Advertisement takes place gently with clear message instructing the target audience about the usefulness of the product that they are advertising and if the user finds it relevant, only then they can click the advertisement and get redirected to their website, there are no retargeting features on Quora, which only makes the users experience better, at least there’s assurance of us not being stalked.

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Quora is a great tool for keyword research, which we bloggers seek the most, I won’t be walking you through the search engine optimization process in this post, however, I will demonstrate how you can use Quora for keyword research.
Let’s assume you are planning to create content on fitness, but you are unable to come up with solid blog title or the keywords that users might search, well that’s where Quora comes into play.

Using Quora for searching keywords and information

As you can see I searched the keyword “fitness” and Quora reflected all the questions and answer containing the keyword fitness, from here I can come up with a solid post title that will catch user’s attention.

I have been on Quora for a while now, below are my statistics. All I can say is that Quora actually makes you smarter as it reveals diverse perspectives and for you to fetch more upvotes you are gonna have to come up with good answers to do that you will dig some research and in the process, your writing will surely improve.
That is the reason that I find Quora the best social media.

Must Read: Quora in indispensable tool for Digital Marketing

Check out Decode Digital Market for informative digital marketing articles


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