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Doppelganger Brand Image that gave us some closure - Factors affecting Brand Identity

A quick walkthrough to Doppelgänger Brand Image A doppelgänger brand image is a company logo that has been modified in a pejorative manner. Such images are most likely to be spread via social media, or through websites of anti-brand activists such as Adbusters, and are often intended to highlight ethical issues regarding the product advertised. In the pursuit, it drastically affects the brand value. Also learn: Learn consumerist culture dictates consumer's market I consumers cannot be outsmarted Brand Value: Brand equity refers to a value premium that a company generates from a product with a recognizable name when compared to a generic equivalent. Companies can create brand equity for their products by making them memorable, easily recognizable, and superior in quality and reliability. source: Investopedia A 2012 study concluded that doppelgänger brand images were able to negatively affect sales. Among many reasons, the main reason that DBI occurs is that o...